Saturday, September 20, 2008

Made it to Guangzhou

We made it to Guangzhou safely. We immediately went to Lucy's for some American hamburgers and french fries followed by some ice cream from the local 7-11. As Joey would say "good times, good times". The kids slept most of the plane ride which was an absolute blessing from God. They both melted down this morning before we left for the airport. It was a riot. Jacob is very possessive of his things including things that belong to us so you can just imagine how he hit the roof when we had to check in our luggage. Then when we entered the plane we had to leave his stroller. Melt down central. I kept asking the stuartess to explain to him that his stroller would be there when we landed but they didn't speak enough English to understand what I was asking. Oh my goodness we were so grateful they both fell asleep during take off. God had His hand on that one. There is no way possible Mark and I could have made it through that hour without the help of Amber and Joey. We can laugh about it now. We love the hotel we are staying at. It has a playroom which has been a huge blessing. We can take the kids there and they can run and play as much as they please. It is super super hot and humid here. I am very excited as we get to go to church tomorrow morning. I am so looking forward to so good worship music. I miss that very much. Then we have the rest of the day free to do as we please. it has been so fun walking around the island and seeing all the other adoptive families with their new children. This is where every family has to come to complete the American side of the adoption. It should be a great week.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am so glad that you flight went well and that you like your motel! I have heard so many people comment on how great the playroom is there. Have a blast shopping and visiting with all the shop owners (my favorite part!) They are all so wonderful. Guangzhou may be hot but it is so refreshing to be there. We pray that all continues to run smoothly.

Blessings, Lisa